I believe in nothing but the beating of our hearts

Thirty seconds to mars
De gör en officiel live tour film som kommer heta "Into the wild". Jag vet inte riktigt hur långt de har kommit med den dock men det kommer ut snart i vilket fall!
Artifact är då den nya filmen om dem som har fått pris på filmestivalen i Toronto!
får gåshud när jag ser dessa videos. gosh
trettio sekunder till mars
Hej. Sitter och äter stuvade grönsaker. Låter väldigt konstigt men det var väldigt gott faktiskt.
Har en väldig lust att lyssna på kent idag. Kommer nog hålla i sig. Vissa kentlåtar känns väldigt sommar och andra känns väldigt vinter. Vilket är väldigt bra.
Förresten så kommer filmen om 30 seconds to mars ut snart på en filmfestival i Kanada. Tyvärr så dröjer det väll innan jag kan få tag på den på något sätt. Vi får väll hoppas att den kommer att kunna laddas ner så småningom i alla fall. Men såhär står det om filmen:
"Telling harsh truths about the modern music business, Artifact gives intimate access to singer/actor Jared Leto and his band Thirty Seconds to Mars as they battle their label in a brutal lawsuit and record their album This Is War. The film is a true artifact of our times, as its subjects struggle with big questions over art, money and integrity."

the story
Your defenses were on high
Your walls built deep inside
Yeah I'm a selfish bastard
But at least I'm not alone
My intentions never change
What I wanted stays the same
And I know what I should do
it's time to set myself on fire
Was it a dream?
Was it a dream?
Is this the only evidence that proves it
A photograph of you and I
Your reflection I've erased
Like a thousand burned out yesterdays
Believe me when I say goodbye forever
Is for good
Was it a dream?
Was it a dream?
Is this the only evidence that proves it
A photograph of you and I
Was it a dream?
Was it a dream?
Is this the only evidence that proves it
A photograph of you and I
(A photograph of you and I)
Was it a dream?
Was it a dream?
Is this the only evidence that proves it
A photograph of you and I
A photograph of you and I
A photograph of you and I... in love...
I've been thinking of everything
I used to want to be
I've been thinking of everything
Of me, of you and me
This is the story of my life
(And these are the lies I have created)
This is the story of my life
(These are the lies I have created)
I'm in the middle of nothing
And it's where I want to be
I'm at the bottom of everything
And I finally start to leave
This is the story of my life
(And these are the lies I have created)
This is the story of my life
(These are the lies I have created)
And I swear to God
I've found myself in the end
And I swear to God
I've found myself in the end
And I swear to God
I've found myself in the end, in the end
And I swear to God
I've found myself in the end, in the end
In the end, in the end, in the end
This is the story of my life
(And these are the lies I have created)
Now this is the story of my life
(And these are the lies I have created)
This is the story of my life
(These are the lies I have created)
I used to want to be
I've been thinking of everything
Of me, of you and me
This is the story of my life
(And these are the lies I have created)
This is the story of my life
(These are the lies I have created)
I'm in the middle of nothing
And it's where I want to be
I'm at the bottom of everything
And I finally start to leave
This is the story of my life
(And these are the lies I have created)
This is the story of my life
(These are the lies I have created)
And I swear to God
I've found myself in the end
And I swear to God
I've found myself in the end
And I swear to God
I've found myself in the end, in the end
And I swear to God
I've found myself in the end, in the end
In the end, in the end, in the end
This is the story of my life
(And these are the lies I have created)
Now this is the story of my life
(And these are the lies I have created)
This is the story of my life
(These are the lies I have created)
30 Seconds To mars MTV
30 seconds to mars
mitt nya favoritband. jag älskar det. älskar. älskar. älskar.
jag vill inte säga det, men jag älskar det mer än green day.....
30 Seconds To Mars – This Is War-

the music can heal me

det är inte lätt att ha ett liv, livet är inte lätt för någon.
musik kan läka sår.
musik kan hjälpa till att läka mina sår.
tack 30 seconds to mars.
smält det, eller få ut det. Sedan kan du gå vidare.